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Big News for the Davidson Family!

Name: Alexander Cole Davidson
Born: 7/6/2006 @ 10:08am
Weight: 8.8lbs
Length: 21"
Hospital: Mercy Hospital Folsom

Koryn's water broke on Daisy's head at 6:20am on Thursday July 6th (actual due date). After a brief scramble at home we started out for the Hospital. On the way Koryn started some intense contractions, while hitting every traffic light on the way. We arrived at 7:00am and were immediately admitted into Labor and Delivery. At this time Koryn's contractions were getting stronger and she went from 3 centimeters dilated to 8 centimeters in about an hour and a half. The Nurse knew he was coming soon and we needed to get Koryn some drugs. After a little drama with the Lab Technician the Anesthesiologist came into the room to ease Koryn's pain. Once the Anesthesia kicked in she was at 10 centimeters and was ready to start pushing. The Nurse and I each had a leg and counted to 10 with each contraction. What a process! After a few pushes I started to see Xander's head. This was very exciting for me! Once the Doctor came into the room it only took a few concentrated and intense pushes from Koryn to push out our new born baby Xander at 10:08am!

Koryn was unbelievable during this whole process and did an absolutely amazing job. I am very proud of her!

Please take a look at baby Xanders photo album

The Name of this Web Site is a nickname we came up with for my lovely wife Koryn. As you probably know she is an exceptional event planner, cook and hostess to all of our friends and family. So I decided to buy her this Domain Name and create a Web Site for the both of us to use for event announcements and various points of interest we both share. So, please take your time and poke around our site and let us know
what you think!
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This site was last updated 08/24/06